Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rodeo Bible Camp Week

This week I helped in the kitchen with preparing and serving lunch to about 100 campers and counselors/workers at the annual Rodeo Bible Camp.  Our new church, Cambridge Bible Church, is one of the churches which coordinates this camp.  Kids from all over the region (including Washington and Oregon) sign up and come with their horses to participate in learning both rodeo skills (riding, roping, barrel racing, pole racing, bull riding etc.) and Bible teaching.  Rodeo is a popular venue here.

As I attended the Rodeo this afternoon, I was intrigued.  The normal ways of the west in this largely ranching region where we live are brand new to me.  As I watched and asked questions from some of the other ladies who were helping in the kitchen for the camp and  watching their kids and grandkids ride in the rodeo events, they "showed me the ropes" so to speak.  Fascinating!  I've never been around so many authentic cowboys before. (I should have taken my video camera, but did not.  Next time!)
Check Back to hear about another popular Idaho cultural event.

Here's the web link:

Stay posted.  Tomorrow,  Bryan and I will attend another "first" experience this week - The Weiser Fiddle Festival.  Apparently, the best fiddlers in the nation converge on Weiser, Idaho for  a week of contests.  Saturday is the show down between "the best of the best" fiddlers.  I'll try to take some video and post it here so that you all can have a flavor of the Fiddle Fest.  Or check out the link above to read all about it.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Status Report

Psalm 126:3
"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."

I read this Psalm this morning and felt it summarized exactly how I am feeling right now.

We sold the green pick up truck to our new Pastor.  That is a great blessing.

House progress is picking up as Bryan is laying the floors and painting the walls.
It's looking good!  And while we are learning how many decisions and details and purchases go into building a new house, and how much work and effort it takes to "get 'r done", we are both in a place of gratitude and feeling extremely blessed for God's many provisions and blessings poured out on our behalf.

We are meeting new people and enjoying getting settled into our new community and home.


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Travel Pictures on our Idaho Journey

I saw my first grizzly bear at Yellowstone.
We had a great time touring with my brother, Joe, joining us on our trip west!

I love the wildlife!

The Buffalo are by far my favorite!
I also like the prairie dogs and goats.
Bryan likes the Elk and deer.

Of course, beautiful scenery abounds, and it not limited to the parks.
Just ask Joe.  He took over 1600 pictures. :-)

And so our eyes linger on the beauty of the west in wonder.  We thank the LORD for His bringing us to our new home; and, we continue to pray for His guidance, direction and protection as we settle into our new life and home here in Idaho.