Tuesday, July 16, 2013

First Night On our Propery

We Rejoice in God's faithfulness to us.
I smiled at this rainbow which God sent me as we arrived Thursday evening.
We moved onto our property on Thursday, July 11th.

The house is not quite move in ready yet, so we are still in the RV.
Though tight quarters, we rejoice to have our RV to live in on site as Bryan finishes the house.

Since the project has been intense and Bryan is working l-o-n-g hours, he needed to take a break.
So on Sunday, we drove up to Silver City in the Owyhee Mountains.  It is an historic and quaint, tiny town located way up in the Mountains with stunning views.  Here are few pictures from Silver City.

We are enjoying the quiet nights; brilliant stars!; wildlife; and gorgeous views.  Last night,
Kelby barked frantically at two large mule deer buck who meandered over the hill in front of our house.  We're becoming familiar with the resident mule deer and a coyote that we often see in the fields just below our property.  I am praying that I WON'T see any rattlesnakes.  (Our neighbor found one near his house in the back yard.  Yikes!)

Yet, as I wrestled with this fear of rattlesnakes, (ever since Dan told us about the one in his yard), the LORD kindly directed my attention to Acts 28:3-5 in my daily scripture reading.  As I read about Paul's encounter of being bit by a poisonous viper, and how Paul "shook it off and suffered no ill effects", God sweetly reminded me that He is more powerful than venomous snakes. Just as God had specific plans for Paul's life and saw to it that Paul arrived at his destinations (despite shipwreck snake bites and plots against his life)...This same God watches over me and protects me from harm and will accomplish the plans and purposes that He has for me. I must not fear!

Oh yeah, and on Sunday night as I read 1 Chronicles 17:9-10 which says
"And I will provide a place for my people Israel and will plant them so that they can have a home of their own and no longer be disturbed. ...I declare to you that the LORD will build a house for you:"
My heart rejoiced and I smiled as I looked out the RV window at the log house. In 2008 those words spoken to king David in the O.T. became a personal assurance to me that my house would be built.  I thank Him for the reminder and repent of my impatience.  God is faithful.  Praise Him.


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