Friday, August 23, 2013

On Being a "Visitor/Tourist" in PA After Moving Away

Since moving to Idaho, Bryan and I are now back in Lititz, PA visiting friends and family and Bryan is completing two jobs that he contracted prior to our move.  It is interesting and fun visiting one's home town after all the big transitioning/moving process has been  completed of trucking one's earthly possessions across the country and getting somewhat settled into the new house.  (There are still projects and moving in to be done...but the biggest chunk of the building and move-in are completed, Praise The Lord!)

As we experience PA from the vantage point of temporary visitors, I have to say that it is quite a fun and different experience.  I am thoroughly enjoying myself as I reconnect with loved ones and am able to focus my attentions upon relationships and engaging in catching up on life with people I care about without the being distracted by my own "busy-ness/routine/life scheduled obligations/necessary-moving-transitions-&-preparations".  I can visit church and get together with friends and pop in on old work colleagues in a much more relaxed fashion. I enjoyed the Mt.Gretna Art Show last weekend and the flood of memories of other years' experiences attending that show and living at Mt. Gretna as a  child during a few summers.  I am enjoying visiting the Green Dragon and plethora of convenient shopping places in Lancaster County.  It is fun to drive around...knowing my way around...and reminisce over fond memories of this place called home for so much of my life.  It is a joy to experience the gracious hospitality of our friends over lunch or dinner or breakfast out and laugh together once again as we catch up on "the latest" in each other's lives.  Life is good!  God is GREAT!  I am extremely blessed!

We will be here in PA through September 26th...extended a few days to be able to see Jenae and Drew who will be returning to PA from their time of travel in Boston (for Jenae's Nursing Job).  Their next assignment looks like it'll be CA for the winter, so we will drive a portion of the westward travel together, which will make for another unique and more fun travel experience as we head back to Idaho. We look forward to seeing our daughter, Samantha, as she returns (at least briefly) to her Harrisburg apartment.  We look forward to connecting with our oldest daughter and Son-in-law, Bri and Joel who are also in Harrisburg. And we look forward to good times with the family as we are all in the state of PA at the same time.

I'm learning that being a "visitor/tourist" in my old home town holds a great deal of joy and fun as I learn to savor and seize the moments that God supplies to engage with people I love, from a freer/"undistracted" vantage point.

And, I smile at emails from my new friend in Idaho who misses me and is excited for my return.  While I too, though completely enjoying my visit right now, am simultaneously excited to return to my new home in Idaho to continue becoming more settled into the future life that God has prepared for me.

Life is good!  God is GREAT!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Link to latest house pictures

Here is the link to the latest house pictures that I posted.
House is nearly done.  Bryan still needs to finish off the hardwoods, the loft, guest room & bath flooring + fixtures, and stone work on the fireplace.
Next Spring/Summer he'll tackle the "man cave" above the garage and building the Bunny Barn.
We anticipate the final touches on the main house will be completed this fall.
We Praise God for the new house!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My First Rodeo

Washington County had their fair and rodeo this past week.  The Fair ran from July 31 - Aug. 4th.  Saturday wrapped up the week's events with a parade through town and the final night of RODEO!  (Did I mention that Rodeo is really, really, BIG out here in Idaho?)  So, wanting to assimilate to and understand the local culture better, Bryan and I attended the Cambridge Rodeo 2013 on Saturday night.

I am truly impressed with how the entire county comes out to support the FFA and 4-H groups and how everyone pulls together to celebrate a good time centered around the county fair and Rodeo.  It was a really good time!

To let you be able to savor a little taste of my first Rodeo, I shall post for you some video clips of some of the events.  A good time was had by all.

Oh, before I post the event clips...I have to tell ya...the "Pre-Rodeo Muttin' Bustin" event whereby little kids, both boys and girls aged 3 to 7, competed to see who could ride a sheep the longest.  All I can say is...OH MY!  (Bri, Sam, & Jenae...though a 4 year old little girl won the event...I would have NEVER allowed you to participate in "Muttin Bustin".)  Some of those little guys were nearly trampled by the sheep when it bucked them off.  Yeash!!!!  Those rides were literally only brief seconds, so I did not get video.  Anyway....

Here is some Cambridge Rodeo 2013 Event Video footage for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!

Okay...never mind.  I keep getting error I suppose my video clip files are too large and/or my connection isn't strong enough to upload them. RATS.  I know you would have enjoyed the rodeo footage I took.  Oh well, I tried.

I suppose you'll just have to ask me to show it to you when I'm in PA.  It's on my computer, so I will be happy to show you my videos of Bronc Riding, Tie Down Roping, Breakaway Roping, Team Roping, Steer Wresting, Barrel Racing and Bull Riding.  Oh yes, and I caught the "High Country Riders" impressive half time performance (to a Michael W. Smith song.)...And the little kids stick horse race was adorable too!  (They call all the kids down who want to participate in the race and they let them run with stick horses.  Very cute.)  I am impressed by the way the entire community truly supports and encourages the kids. The kids all looked like they were having a lot of fun. It was a good time!

This may be my last post from Idaho for the summer since Bryan and I are "heading East"  in a week.  Bryan has some contract jobs to complete, and then we'll come "home to Idaho", leaving PA end of September.

We're hoping to start moving stuff into the house on Wednesday.  Carpet goes in the Bedroom Tuesday.  Yeah!  The end is near.  (Although, "end" is not an accurate word as many dangling projects will need to be completed upon our return in October.  Sigh!  Thus goes new construction when you're doing it yourself and not taking a mortgage.)

Despite the hassles, all is well.  We truly are greatly blessed.
See some of you in a few weeks.

P.S. - Here's a link to the Washington County Website out here where you can get a little flavor re: the events and my week enjoying the fair and rode.