Monday, October 5, 2015

Samantha's Visit to Idaho - Oct. 3 - 5, 2015

Bryan, Samantha and I enjoyed a beautiful weekend together.
Saturday, October 3rd, we all rode bicycles on the Weiser River Trail 4th annual Octobertrek ride.
Covering 35 miles of the trail.  We started at the West Pine Trail head near New Meadows, and we stopped for a break near Starkey's Hot Springs and then continued on for lunch in Council.  Samantha and Bryan both had flat tires in between Council and Goodrich Creek Bridge section of the trail.  Thankfully, Eli (the trail ride bicycle repairman rode up behind us for an assist in repairing those flats and we were on our way.
Sunday, instead of riding the remaining 43 miles of the Octobertrek ride, we were all agreed that our bodies were not up for another grueling day on the trail.  We opted to participate in the Saturday night dinner (catered at Mundo Idaho Hot Springs) and a nice soak which felt amazing after riding all day!...and we joined the group for breakfast in Cambridge on Sunday morning before they hit the trail again.  But we opted to relax and drove the rental bike back to McCall; enjoyed drinks at the local cofee shop; a leisure stroll by the lake; and supper at the Blue Moose. Yum!  Though a short weekend visit with Samantha, we enjoyed every moment that we were able to share with her.

A campfire and star gazing rounded out our Sunday evening.

Fabulous September Visit with Mike & Denise

Cracking up as we figure out the world of "selfies".

Mike and Denise pan for gold at the Oregon Trail Interpretive Museum

Walking along the Weiser River on a beautiful September day.
Venturing out for some adventuring on the ATV.
Perhaps Denise and Mike will join us again in the out west pioneering lifestyle.  Great times!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Baby Bunnies: Hello & Goodbye

Halua had a litter of four kits on August 21st.
One week later, despite feeding those four kits (and the kits being healthy), Halua died.  She must have had complications from that delivery; even though from outward appearances, she seemed okay.

 In this picture the baby bunnies are newborn.
Despite my trying to feed the 1 week old baby bunnies with KRM formual (Kitten replacement Milk)
three of those 4 baby bunnies died five days later.  I thought that they all died and was preparing to bury them BUT.....
ONE little bunny was still moving.  Barely alive...I revived the tiny thing and he/she is now almost 3 weeks old!

I have named him/her "Alpiann ma Marjaza.  (In keeping with my Arabic language named rabbits.)
It means "Resurrection Miracle" because it's as if this one bunny was resurrected from the dead.
(I'll call it Marjaza for short. :-) )

And though I now will not have any baby bunnies to sell at Northwest Fiber Fusion, an event in Washington the weekend of October 16 - 18th.  I will still be able to hostess an educational booth at the event which will educate attendees on the joy of English Angora rabbits and the super luxurious angora wool that they produce.