Thursday, October 3, 2013

Eagle sighting today! So Cool!

Bryan and I arrived back "home" in Idaho on Tuesday, Oct. 1st.  This trip was l-o-n-g driving with three flat tires on the trailer, but thankfully we had Drew & Jenae & Katie along for the first four days of the trip, so that made it a bit more enjoyable being able to spend time on the trip catching up with them and sharing their launch to California (Jenae's next travel nursing assignment.)

Since we arrived, we have both been super busy unpacking boxes, going through the pile up of mail and re-acclimating ourselves to the new life here in Idaho.  It feels good to unpack boxes and get organized.  Bryan's racing the calendar to get the place ready for winter and the snow.  Looks like all will come together.  I am enjoying unpacking boxes and reacquainting myself with all of the conveniences of living in a house with full size, gorgeous brand new kitchen; bathroom; king size bed....Ah-h-h-h-h!  Life is good!

The highlight of my day today was seeing a bald eagle fly past my kitchen window as I was cleaning up supper dishes.  SO COOL!  He was so close as he soared through the sky, right by my window!  I was very excited and shouted to Bryan, "Look at that eagle, coasting right by our window."  He said, "Yes, that sure is an eagle. Nice!"

I'm still stunned every morning when I wake up and look outside and realize how blessed I feel to be privileged by God to be living this dream.  Things are not always rosy and peaceful and good...but today was a good day.  

May you all be having blessed days too.  

As soon as I'm more organized and completely unpacked, I'll take some more pictures and post them.

Seeing that eagle reminds me of Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint

I'm going to remember that when I get tired of hauling boxes around and unpacking them.  I pray that you also my hope in the LORD and renew your strength.  Stop stressing and "soar on wings like eagles."  Say a prayer of thanks for your current freedom and blessings as well.  It's good for the soul. 

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