Monday, July 28, 2014

Our News Update

Hi All,
Just realizing that it's been a while since I've posted anything and thought that perhaps I should post an update.

Bryan was in PA from mid-March through mid-June completing his final demolition contract.  I, Cindy, visited him and friends/family from April 10th through April 28th and we enjoyed time reconnecting with family and friends over the Easter holiday.

I'm praising the LORD for my new job at U.S. Bank.  I'm working as a Teller at the Council Branch (which, PTL is the closest bank to our house. :-)  God is so good!)  My regular schedule is Monday through Friday, -- on  Mon & Fri I work 9:30 to 4:30; on Tues, Wed. & Thurs I work 11:30 - 4:30; .  I've been at the job now for two months and am really enjoying it!  There's a lot learn, but I've completed my training and am enjoying getting to know people in my home community.  I'm also enjoying having all of my weekends and holidays off.  It's a great job, especially since there are so few jobs in this area.  I am very thankful!  It worked out wonderfully also that most of my training (full-time hours) took place while Bryan was working that last job in PA and thus, I was able to keep busy and focus on learning the job and getting comfortable in the position prior to his return to Idaho.  And now that he's back, I'm beginning my part-time schedule.  It worked out perfectly.  Again...God is so good!

I visited Samantha in Boulder, CO May 17th - 20th and had a super enjoyable time seeing her new home, and seeing where she works.  We had a delightful brunch at a fancy Tea room near her place, and enjoyed a beautiful hike. I enjoyed spending time with Samantha walking around Boulder shopping and catching up.

Brianna and Joel visited us June 22nd through July 2nd.  Actually, part of their time here they vacationed  in Yellowstone together and visited Craters of the Moon National Park and stayed at the Turpin Meadows Ranch in Wyoming.  We walked around Boise together and they stayed with us at our new home.  We visited McCall and Bryan went with the two of them on a whitewater rafting trip on the Salmon river one day when I was working.  We had a great visit and were thrilled to have them visit us in our new home.  When they left here, they traveled to Seattle for a friend's wedding and then flew into Denver, CO where Samantha picked them up and they enjoyed several days visiting with Samantha at her home in Boulder before they returned to PA.

July 4th weekend, Bryan and I drove to Vacaville, California to help move Jenae into her new apartment.
(Bryan was able to ship her household furniture and things out from PA on his way back to Idaho following his last job.  So we were privileged to help Jenae get "nested" in her beautiful CA apartment.  I took a nice swim in the pool which is right off her patio.  Super nice!)  She and Drew will be living in California for a time since Jenae accepted a full-time nursing job at the hospital there.  Bryan and I had fun seeing the area she and Drew now call home.  Jenae treated us to a wonderful dinner out at a great steak place near her place. And Jenae and I had a fun time at Ikea near her. It was a fabulous July 4th weekend!

I love it how at least two of my girls are actually now living closer to us here out west. :-)  Again, God is so good!

I still have six adorable English Angora rabbits PLUS five almost two week old baby rabbits.  Having baby rabbits to raise is such a joy.  I hope to sell 4 of the 5 babies in early September once they are weaned.

I'll post a link to the baby bunny pictures once I start posting them soon.

Weather-wise it has been hot here!  Some days over 100 degrees.  Yes, it is "dry heat"...but it's very hot in the sun.  Those hot days we stay cool indoors during the heat of the day. We did install an air conditioner in our bedroom for some of the hot nights.  Most nights it does cool down into the 60's and sometime's 50' we almost always get cool nights to sleep.  But I expect we'll have a few more scorcher days in August before things cool down at the end of August.  We did have a perfect weather day last Thursday.  The high was only 79 degrees with a cool breeze.  Bryan and I took a nice long walk on the Weiser trail that day.  Gorgeous!

Guess that's all the major news for now.
Blessings to All!  Love Ya!

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