Sunday, August 17, 2014


Monday of this past week (August 11th)  Bryan and I experienced a wild fire which was WAY to CLOSE for comfort.  Praise the LORD, we mercifully did not lose our home or animals or belonging.  Due to God' protection, and the wonderful work of the Indian Valley Fire Department;  Midvale Fire Department;  Cambridge Fire Department; Council Fire Department;  Goodrich Fire Dept. and a helicopter from the Forest Service our home and our neighbors' homes were spared.  We do have a very black, charred hillside behind our house, however, with the stench smoke of still assaulting our senses.  And as of this a.m., there was still a small smoldering patch by the pond below us.  Here are a few pictures:

You can see our home (at the top of the hill and nestled in between the burnt hillside) in the pictures above.

We rejoice and give thanks for being spared great loss in this wild fire.

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