Saturday, September 20, 2014

Prayer for an American Goldfinch

Oh LORD God,
You see this tiny bird that just bounced off the window hard.  One of his feathers still clings to the glass.  He lays on the ground among the rocks stunned and shaking his little head.  He is disoriented and possibly brain injured.  I cry for him.  He reminds me of all the people who slam up against hard circumstances and difficulties of this life.  He lies there helpless, stunned, immobilized.  Physically his little beautiful yellow feathered body appears in tact.  Yet, as he shakes his tiny head, twitching and slightly spreading his little wings, I realize that due to the loud thud I just heard from his tiny body slamming into the glass that he must have internal injuries which could kill him.
O God,
Please let this one little beautiful American gold finch who helplessly lies in the rocks below my window survive.  Please infuse his little body and brain with the strength to fly.  Please don't let him die.

You, God, are the Creator of the world and all life.  Your Son Jesus said in Your Word that not one sparrow will fall to the ground outside Your care.  So God, please revive this one gold finch.

And God,
For all the souls (which like this one gold finch) have crashed hard against immoveable circumstances...please heal them also.  Give them wings to fly soar freely away from the burdensome rock-pile beneath them.  May the hurt peoples of this earth (whether physically hurting or mentally/emotionally /spiritually hurting) find freedom beneath the shelter of your wings.  May these hurting peoples be granted the ability to soar above the accident/event/circumstances which caused them great injury and harm...just like You will free this one tiny gold finch from his injuries.

In Jesus' Name I pray,

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