Thursday, November 28, 2013

Update on Life in Idaho

Now that we've been authentic Idaho residents for a couple months, I thought that I should send an update as to how things are going.

We are moved in and unpacked.
Bryan is working to finish the garage siding before it snows.  His winter projects include finishing off the guest bathroom and guest bedroom, and getting the stonework on the fireplace done.

We love our new home!  (After I decorate for Christmas I'll post pictures.)
The views are amazing.  We never get tired of looking out our windows. You will simply HAVE to come and visit to fully appreciate what I am saying.  Pictures honestly do not do this place justice.  You have to stand in the bigness of it all to fully appreciate the experience and place we now call home.
Our home is a very peaceful place. Love it!
We're enjoying entertaining friends from church and our new community.

We're both looking into finding work.  Bryan will be returning to PA to pick up his big truck as he's found some trucking work with brokers in the area.  He'll be going out regionally, so he won't be gone for more than a night or two at a time(once he gets his truck out here, and the broker has a load for him to bring out from the East, so that will be a nice paycheck right away.)  He also has some leads on demolition work down in Boise.  Pray that some of those jobs come through, because he's pretty excited about a few of the jobs.  I'm interested in part time work.  I'm still working on my bunny business, Lanajoura Angora.  Here's the links to my website and bunny blog:

Lord willing, I will be selling 4 out of 5 of the baby rabbits from a litter born to my doe, Tia.  (See above link for the latest rabbit pics.)  I am having A LOT of fun with the adorable bunnies.  As soon as I'm done decorating for Christmas, I intend to get into a more regular routine of spinning and creating projects from my stash of angora wool.  Those items, Lord willing, I would like to sell as well.  So if you are reading this and are a believer who prays, please pray that the baby buns will be sold to good homes and that I'll be able to complete the three projects currently on needles and awaiting creation of more angora yarn (from the correct rabbit "dye lot"...ha ha, just kidding...I don't "dye" my rabbit wool, but I am currently spinning projects from each rabbit so that the color of that rabbit's wool is consistent for the entire project/piece.)  It takes a good 8 months or so to gather enough wool per rabbit to make enough yarn to produce a medium length scarf or a hat and smaller piece.  Obviously, at the rate I'm going, my production per year is limited to say the least.  I believe that once I get into a more regular routine and once I have more rabbits in my rabbitry growing more luscious wool...then I will be able to produce more too.  For now, I am content in accepting that I am in process of growing my rabbitry and business slowly...mainly due to the major move and house building factor these past couple of years.  Good things take time. :-)

Bryan and I were very blessed to celebrate Thanksgiving with a fun couple from our new church.  We were commenting to each other as we drove to their home that this is our first Thanksgiving in many years whereby we were not enjoying the day with our family.  God in his goodness had Nick and Debbie extend us the invitation to Thanksgiving Dinner today "since we were new in town (and since their daughter who  lives locally had a very full house hosting her husband's large crowd for dinner) they thought it'd be nice to host us for the holiday."  What a blessing!  We are very, very glad that they did.  We had a great day!  We were privileged to talk to many of our family members via telephone, yet it was still extra special to not be eating dinner alone.  We enjoyed a wonderful day of good food, laughter and conversation getting to know these new friends.

It's getting late.  I think I'll end the Idaho Life Update there and write more another day.

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