Saturday, December 21, 2013

Our Log Home Pictures (Christmas 2013)

Below are some updated house pictures.
We excitedly await Samantha's arrival in a couple of days.
She will be celebrating Christmas with us in Idaho this year, driving in from her new home in Boulder, CO.

First off is a picture of a red fox that Bryan and I watched hunting (and catching) mice for breakfast this morning.  It has been SO COOL watching ALL of the beautiful wildlife on our property.

This fox spent a good 10 minutes or so prancing around our driveway and the hill beside the house.
Very entertaining!

Here are two pics from the Master Bedroom.
We enjoyed our first snow (which was over an inch) for this season.
Just in time to put us in festive spirits for Christmas. :-)
(The fox picture was taken from one of the Bedroom windows.)

The above 4 pictures are of our Diningroom and views from the DR door.

And here are a few pictures of my lovely Kitchen.
I love my green granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, and cherry cabinets!
And this is my view when I'm washing dishes at the kitchen sink.
Looking from Kitchen towards Main Livingroom area.
You can see we get LOTS of warm and wonderful sunshine flooding the house.
I am SO THANKFUL!  (I love sunshine, especially in the winter.)

Pictures of the Livingroom from various angles.
Kelby and Frodo bark and wait at the door to go out.
Kelby especially loves to bark at the cows.
Idaho is a "Free Range" state,
which means that where we live, we sometimes have
herds of cows wander up our driveway for a visit.
Kelby scares the poor beasts away.

This Christmas, Bryan and I had a grand time hiking into the
Payette forest, and cutting down our Christmas tree.
(We bought a $10 permit from the forest service.  The permit
secured us permission to cut any forest tree 12 foot tall or under.)

Follow me up the spiral staircase.
Next I'll give you a tour of my Office Loft.
My grandma's lamp sits at the top of the stairs
with a couple cherished pictures.

Next is the bunny Playpen/X-pen so I can enjoy 
watching my gorgeous English Angoras playing
as I work in the office and spin their wool into yarn.
My desk and leather chair flank the window
so that I can enjoy great light & 
great views whenever I am sitting in my office.
The sheepskin rug that Bryan bought me is warm
and soft on my relaxing bare feet.
On the side of the loft is framework for a future
built-in daybed with storage drawers beneath.
(For now, it is filled with an air mattress and my plethora of pillows.)

And here is my comfy hammock/swing chair.
Behind it you can see my spinning area set-up.
My loft is a quite comfy/cozy place to:
Do Desk Work
And the future built in Queen Sized Daybed
will serve as Extra Sleeping Area
(incase we have guest overflow from the guest wing.)

And right now,
this is what you'll see from my office window.
Not bad, eh?
Nice views of Cuddy Mountain and
the Weiser River.
A Brand New Queen Bed
awaits Samantha's Christmas arrival.
And though the guest bedroom is only roughed in,
it will provide a private sleeping space right now.

Our guest bathroom is almost finished.
[The jacuzzi tub & shower won't be hooked up
until January.  I'll post the 2nd bathroom pics later.]
We joyfully anticipate Drew and Jenae's visit to Idaho in January
Brianna and Joel's visit this summer.

As you celebrate the birth of our Savior
Jesus Christ,
May you all be blessed and enjoy God's rich blessings
at Christmas and throughout the new year!
Rest in the arms of the Good Shepherd Always.

"The Lord your God is with you.
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you.
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing."
Zephaniah 3:17

Bryan and I would LOVE to have you visit us.
Plan an Out West Vacation.
Come and enjoy a quiet, relaxing vacation in Scenic Idaho,
America's Best Kept Secret!
Seriously, this is a GREAT place to get unplugged from the electronics that consume hordes of time...
kick the shopping addiction and the tyranny of the urgent....
Enjoy a personal prayer retreat or writing retreat where it's quiet, laid back, free of interuptions...
Get to know some authentic, real-life/real-time Cowboys and awesome people!...
and "go back in time" to a simpler era.
Oh, and if you like to snowmobile, ski, snowshoe, cross country ski etc.
Come in Winter.  
If you like to hike, kayak, canoo, and enjoy the warmer outdoors (with almost everyday a sunny Idaho day)
Come in Spring or Summer or Fall.  
It's Beautiful All Year Round!
We live in Idaho's outdoor playground!
Don't forget us!  Come see us!
Cindy & Bryan


  1. Cindy and Bryan...what a BEAUTIFUL setting and lovely house! That is just gorgeous.. Merry Christmas to you guys too, and remember our offer if ever needed..God Bless. Cathy and Mike

  2. Can't wait to spend Christmas in this sweet spot:)

  3. Reading your post from the Bahamas and wishing you an amazing Christmas! This is the first and last time we will be online until after Christmas, but we wanted to check in quickly to make sure all our family was safe and enjoying the season. Love you!
