Saturday, December 21, 2013

Haggai Notes

As I was having my quiet time today, reading in the book of Haggai, I made note of the following:

(From Haggai 1:5&7)
"Give careful thought to your ways"
This is a good reminder that I am not to live my life thoughtlessly.

(Read Haggai 1:6)
This reminded me to be careful not to take my abundant blessings for granted nor to become discontent or obsessed with my work; food; drink;clothing and saving $.  God is my provider.  I need to remember and be grateful and thankful.

(Read Haggai 1:9)
This cautioned me about personal expectations of blessing when living outside the obedience to God and His specified will/Word.  I cannot expect selfish gains while neglecting God.

(Haggai 1:12)
It's refreshing to read when God's people Israel actually listen to Him when He speaks to them through His prophets.  Here "the whole remnant of the people (of Judah) obeyed the voice of the LORD their God and the message of the prophet Haggai because the LORD their God had sent him. And the people feared the LORD."

(from Haggai 1:13)
God responds to His people's response of obedience to Him and fear of Him by saying to them:
"I am with you"
I love those four words from God.  They are powerful  words of assurance that I need to hold on to  the Presence of God.  I need to allow God's presence with me to be sufficient for me in times of trial.

Haggai Chapter 2 is God's encouragement to His people as they obey Him.

(From Haggai 2:3-4)
When our work for God seems to us "like nothing" (v3)  God says:  "Be Strong...For I am with you".
Indeed, His presence and grace are sufficient for us.  I should never grow weary in well doing.

(From Haggai 2:5)
The LORD further encourages his people and leaders with this assurance:
"My Spirit remains among you.  Do not fear."
Because I have the Holy Spirit, I never have reason to fear.

**As  I read this verse:  Haggai 2:9
"The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,"
says the LORD Almighty.
"And in this place I will grant peace"
declares the LORD Almighty."
My thoughts take me back to 10 years ago when the Spirit prompted me for about a month straight...every Mon.-Fri. to go to LEFC and prayer walk the church parking lot every morning from 6:00 a.m. until about 7:00 a.m., praying for the church and for God's mercy and grace and glory to fill His house at LEFC and bring peace.  And as I read this verse (Hag. 2:9) today, I remember the Spirit speaking these very words of Scripture to my Spirit concerning LEFC.  I remember feeling a peace in my soul that God had indeed answered "Yes" to my prayers concerning LEFC.  I praise the LORD this day for the fulfillment of these words on behalf of my former much loved church home.   I truly believe this day (2013) that God has granted peace to the fellowship of believers/brothers-and-sisters-in-Christ gathered together at Lancaster Evangelical Free Church.  And I truly believe that His glory will be great there among that body of believers.
Praise Him!**

Haggai 2:19 - "From this day on I will bless you."

Praise You LORD Jesus!

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